Tuesday 13 December 2011

Oh dear!

So I haven't posted in a while but that is going to stop RIGHT NOW! The last session was sooo interesting. I have started to really enjoy the sessions and was truely gutted about missing two of the sessions over the last two weeks.
In the last session we talked about modernism and post modernism and in true Hati fashion I decided to relate that to fashion. In particular, Lolita fashion. Now I was having an interesting conversation about this in the car with my mum on our way to Bath for some retail therapy.
She was asking me about why I dress Lolita and I was trying to think about it and all I could come up with was that it was pretty. Then she was saying how she thought it was sort of post-modernist feminism. And to be honest I think I agree.
Basically this simple question my mum asked me helped me understand this. Modernism was basically a movement  by designers to use only what was necessary to create something. For instance, in the war, it was illegal to use excess fabric or embellishments. This however was overrun eventually by post-modernism which valued art for the sake of art; things that didn't have a functional purpose or restriction.

Now I have a task to do :D So see you in the next post!!!

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