Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Essay and Presentation Talk

We met up today in 1F4 at Bower Ashton to discuss blogs, the essay and the presentation. This was extremely helpful as I have been feeling a little stuck. I now have a little bit more courage to start this essay and to get a draft out by next Wednesday!

  • It should be 2,000 words and come attached with a bibliography
  • I have been using only book sources so should include some internet and AV sources as well
  • I must post this blog to Blackboard
  • I have to try and post more on this blog
  • I need to make sure that I mention that I am using sources and not primary research
With the presentation (due 17/04/2013) I need to:-
  • Choose a source or topic from my essay and research
  • Look at it in a different way, from a different angle
  • Present back ideas and comparisons
  • this can be an avenue to explore things you haven't been able to in  your essay

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

So I turned up and no one was there!

I assume it's because I was late and they had filtered off to another room but there wasn't much of a way that I could find where they were.
I wasn't going to waste my time spent in Bower library though and started to look deeper into the books I had chosen. There is a lot on gay fashion history in these books but nothing about attitudes of the audience of this fashion. I really need to FOCUS on how the clothes construct identities. Like the fact that because gay men liked other men they were assumed to be women stuck in men's bodies and often adopted women's clothing and feminin characteristics. This might have been true for some but there were other gay men of that time who didn't feel feminin they just were attracted to men.
Maybe I need to look at how identities effect clothing, fashion and taste?

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Stilllll got writers block...

So this writers block i seem to be having is really taking its toll. Every time I sit down at the computer I get like stage fright and then I can't write. I almost can't bear going new my computer to write and I am not being as good as I should at turning up to lectures.

I have had training for my Student Ambassador part time job and doctors appointments but still that shouldn't be stopping me from writing. 

I am starting to get a solid idea about what I want to explore in this essay. I want to look at clothing and how it effects how we view someone. I want to focus on the community because these days you can't judge someone to be straight or gay by their clothing because everyone is wearing every style of clothing, regardless of whether it is a specific style which gays have adopted in the past.